Second exclusive interview of Igor Vovchanchyn to Hybridfighting

HF: Hello, Igor!

Igor: Hi!

HF: How are you doing, when are you going to fight again?

I: I am almost 100% recovered. I think if everything goes fine Ill be in the next Pride. And how are you guys doing?

HF: We are fine, thanks. After publication of your interview we received a lot of questions and kind words about you. Are you ready to tell your fans about the details of your life that they are interested in?

I: Yeah, why not? I dont have any secrets.

HF: Great. Lets start it?



HF: First of all a lot of your fans from the USA say hi to you. Here is a list of questions from Attjack (from The Underground Forum). Do you have any idea why Dana White said that you retired from fighting? Where could he get this information?

I: I have no idea. Maybe he knows something that I dont know (smiles). I dont have any contact directly with promoters. My manager, Eugenia Borshevskaja does it for me. I know that there were some proposals from the UFC, but one thing I know for sure I did not announce my retirement. You better speak to Eugenia about contacts with promoters and invitations to tournaments, shell give you more complete information about this kind of stuff. I rely on her completely.

HF: Well, does it mean that you have not heard about Battleship promotion, it was announced that they contacted you concerning your participation in their tournament?

I: No. Maybe they contacted Borshevskaja, but I dont know about them.

HF: Next question: Do you still consider for yourself to become a LHW?

I: It is not easy for me to go down the weight. There is a weight where you feel yourself the most comfortable. Now I weight 100 kilos, so I think Ill stay at HW for a while. But I dont deny the possibility to become a LHW, considering my height, it would be much easier for me to fight there.

HF: When was the last time you weighted 96 kilos?

I: 96? Approximately 6 years ago. In 1996, to be accurate.

HF: Your opponent in Pride 17 Mario Sperry became LHW. In case you do the same, would you like to fight him again and avenge your loss?

I: I dont feel that bad about my losses to dream about revenge. In case I fight Mario again, it would be just another fight, and I wont look back at Pride 17. Why should I? I dont have any bad feelings towards him to make some kind of vendetta out of our rematch.

HF: We heard that he didnt act like a gentleman during the fight, trying to tear off your bandage and start your bleeding.

I: Well, thats tactics. I got a very deep cut before that fight. Sutures were being placed, they also put some kind of ointment on this cut, and went to fight. They even didnt want me to fight that time. Maybe Mario knew about that and tried to get into that cut. I repeat, it is tactics of a fight, so you cant blame him for doing so.

HF: OK, can you name a fighter your loss to whom you would like to avenge? Maybe Mikhail Illukhin, we heard he eye gauged you during your fight at AFC 1?

I: He pressed into my eye with his chin. It was my second tournament, I didnt know how to grapple back then, but I already knew how to resist to submissions. Illukhine tried few submissions, but I avoided all of them. So after a while maybe he started getting tired, and put his chin in my eye. But I dont feel like I want a revenge for that.

Maybe I would like to fight Herring again.

HF: Why Herring?

I: Because I feel like I won that fight. Even after that fight guys form Brazilian team came to me told me: Igor, we think it was a bad decision, we think you won that fight.

HF: Igor, a lot of fighters train with different teams nowadays. What do you think about it?

I: I havent though about changing of my training process and training in other country. Maybe in Russia, in Sambo club, but in the nearest future I am going to train here in Kharkov.

HF: How long are you going to continue fighting?

I: I dont think any fighter can give you exact answer to this question. Today you feel great, you are in great shape, and tomorrow you get injury which finishes your sport career. There are a lot of examples. So, if we assume that my health would be OK, I think, Ill keep fighting for another 5 years.

HF: Speaking about your health. How is your recovery going?

I: Normal. I am almost fully recovered and I had a very good rest. I am in a good shape now.

HF: What about your elbow problems?

I: It is fine now. It even went without surgery.

HF: Thanks God! Did you injure your elbow in a fight?

I: No. It was more like accumulated injury, and worsening started during training. I  was pulling myself up on  horizontal bar (excuse my English here HF), and heard that something cracked in my right elbow. That was a beginning. 

HF: Good it is all over now. We hope it wont relapse.

Igor, are there any goods with your logo on American market?

I: No. Only in Japan watches, T-shirts, cookies and bags.

HF: Speaking about your fight with Quinton Jackson. What do you think of it? Maybe you underestimated your opponent, or you were not fully prepared for that fight?

I: Jackson is a strong guy, I saw his fights and I knew what he is capable of. So I didnt underestimate him. It just went that way. Before this fight Quinton tried to test my nerves (smiles).

HF: What do you mean?

I: Before our fight he gave me some note. It was written in English: My Mom asks you not to hurt me.

HF: Why did he do that?

I: Thats basic trick. Nothing special. Attempt to get your opponent out of balance and make him quit thinking about the fight. But my nerves are fine, and it was not the first time I face such tricks.

HF: So what happened to this note afterwards?

I: I dont speak English, so I gave it to my corner man, we laughed about it later (smiles).

HF: Now some personal questions. Some people are interested, what are your parents build? Did you inherit your power, or it is a result of your training? Were there any fighters among your relatives?

I: My Dads height is even smaller than mine. My Grandpa was really strong. I found his old sweater recently and put it on. That sweater just hangs on me! He was really big and strong. As far as I know, I am the first fighter in my family.

HF: Igor, who are your sparring-partners? What do you do in your training? Were there any sparring partners with whom you had a bad relationships?

I: Now I emphasize with striking. I spar with boxers a lot. My permanent boxing sparring partner Vitaly Natesov. He is very strong boxer. I train grappling with Igor Kovaliov. But now I emphasize on boxing.

With whom I didnt get along with? I dont think there were anybody.

HF: It does not surprise us.

What else do you do during training?

I: Running, I also play soccer. Lift weights, but not too much.

HF: What are your results in power lifting?

I: I bench press 180 kg, dead lift (I hope this is the correct English term HF) 250 kg. I dont do much squats, because I gain a lot of weight when I do them. I also like inclinations with weight. So inclinations and bench press are my favorites. I also work with horizontal bar and skids. The best I did  - 90 pushups on skids, I believe. 

HF: Thats pretty good results. Igor, there were some rumors, that you used to train your fists by hitting brick walls. Is it true?

I: (Laughing) Where did you get it from? No, I didnt do that. Well, when I was young, I, like many other kids in the USSR, after watching movies about Soviet commandos, I used to break bricks with edge of my palm. But to do it in training no, I never did that.

HF: OK, lets go on with rumors. We heard that you were called Little Elephant when you were a kid?

I: Oh, somebody remembered this? Well, yeah, I was called like this, but not during my childhood. It was in a sport club, where I trained in kickboxing. When I just came there, somebody said (jokingly) that I mark time like an elephant.

HF: Is it true that you used to work as a bodyguard for some Russian movie star?

I: Partially true. I used to work as a bodyguard, not for a movie star though. I worked for one petroleum magnate from Kharkov.

HF: OK, lets talk about your upcoming fight in Holland with Bob Schreiber. Your big fan from Holland Mikie Street asks a few questions about it. He also sends you his best regards.

I: Say Hi to Mikie! What does he ask about?

HF: First of all, what kind of rules will it be? Kickboxing?

I: No, it is going to be a MMA fight. Few 5-minutes rounds. I think it is supposed to be one of Bobs last fights, he is talking about his retirement.

HF: Bob is very tough fighter, some people also consider him as a dirty fighter.

I: Yeah, I remember how he stepped on Matsui in Pride. But I think this is going to be a very good fight, what do you think?

HF: We are sure about it, and if Bob really wants to retire, it would be a great farewell fight for him.

I: Well see in summer.

HF: Are you going to meet fans before this show in Holland? Are you planning any seminars in Holland?

I: Of course, I really want to meet my fans before the fight, I am going to talk about it with promoters of this championship. Such meetings are very important to me. I am not sure about the seminars. As far as I know, there were no propositions on that matter yet.

HF: Here is the last question, which worries many people from The Underground. Couple of years ago there were some messages there signed with your name. But nobody actually believed it was really you, and pounced on that guy. After that it appeared that no one was sure that it wasnt really you. What can you say about it? 

I: (Smiling) No, it wasnt me, dont worry. Someone just used my name, thats all.

HF: Thank you very much, Igor, for your answers.

I: No problem. If you will have more questions, I will answer them with great pleasure.

Please send my best regards to visitors of your site and to my fans everywhere!

HF: Well certainly do that! Thanks again for meeting with us. We hope, it is not the last one.

I: I am sure it is not!

First exclusive interview of Igor Vovchanchyn to Hybridfighting you can find in Archives  


Details of World Pancration Championship in Moscow (03.15.03)

Traditional MMA tournament took place in sport complex CSKA in Moscow on March 15th, 2003. Moscow tournaments have a history which started back in 1995. This years show hosted fighters from Brazil, USA, Byelorussia, Poland and, of course, from Russia. This time the Cup in HW division went to Brazil, Russian fighter was the best in MW division.

We must say, that one of distinguishing features of this tournament was the build of its constant referee Oleg Chemodurov. We could hardly imagine that a person can gain that much weight in such a short perion of time (from the previous tournament in Jaroslavl). If he would keep such paste till the next tournament he might start looking like Gary Maers, one of this championships competitor. Another feature of this show was the presence of one of the UFCs founders, Robert Mayrowitz.

1/4 final (up to 84 kg.)

Valentin Siulgin vs Nikolai Tonkih

Winner: Siulgin his opponent tapped to choke R2

Siulgin showed good skills and controlled his foe completely. In second round he pressed Tonkih to the fence and punished him with knees. After that he finished the fight with a choke. However while leaving the octagon he distinctly limped.


Andrei Rudakov vs Randy Williams

Winner: Rudakov- his opponent tapped to a choke R1

In the beginning of the fight American fighter connected with a good right hand, but it was everything he was able to do in this round. Andrei took the fight to the ground and made his opponent tap.


Valery Darchiev vs Vitelmo Bondera

Winner: Bondera - -R1

Brazilian fighter was introduced as a champion in various grappling styles as well as in Muay Thai. He started the fight in fast pace, landing some nice lowkicks. Darchiev probably didnt take his foe seriously, because after one lowkick he turned almost 180 degrees from his opponent and didnt hurry up to turn back. Bondera took advantage of it and punched Valery in the temple, knocking him out.


Ansar Chalangov vs rzhistov Kulak

Winner: Chalangov- his opponent tapped to a choke -R1

As the bout started, fighter from Poland took Ansar down, pressed him against the fence and hit him to the back of the head with elbows (which was illegal). He didnt pay attention to referees warnings, so fighters were stood up. This time Russian fighter didnt make any mistakes, took his opponent down and submitted him with a choke. 


1/4 finals (over 93 kg.)


Mario da Silva vs Roman Savochka

Winner: da Silva- (injury)-R2

It was definitely something not right with Roman. It was almost impossible to recognize him. He moved like a zombie and it seemed like he was scared of his opponent. But knowing Savochka it is hard to believe in it. He is a very experienced fighter, and most likely he was not in a good shape. In the middle of the second round Brazilian pressed Savochka against the fence, and Roman told referee that he can not continue due to pain in the ribs. The fight was stopped. 


John Dixon vs Nikolai Onikienko

Winner: Dixon- (opponent refused to continue bout) -R2

Veteran of multiple tournaments Big John came to Moscow after overcoming a bunch of obstacles. Before leaving to Moscow one of his four sons poured ink on his passport, so John had to renew it urgently. However he arrived to Moscow championship in time, and put on a good fight against much younger foe.

Several times it seemed like Onikienko would fall from Big Johns strikes, but every time Russian fighter managed to take the fight to the ground, spend a minute laying on top of Dixon before being stood up by the referee. Standing Nikolai absorbed tons of punishment from Dixon and took the fight again and again. Between first and second rounds Nikolais cornerman decided to stop the fight.


Gary Maers vs Slavomir Zakrzhevskiy

Winner: Maers- (fight was stopped due to a cut) -R1

Another veteran called Iron Bear made show even out of his entrance to the octagon. He dashed inside and started to run in circles entertaining the crowd (by the way, most of Russian fighters lack such artistry; Viacheslav Datcik doesnt count he can excel hundred of Maerses). Gary was a member of US wrestling team, and he has got quit a bit of MMA experience. He took fighter from Poland down and just smashed his face. After doctors examination it was declared a TKO win for Gary.


Valery Pliev vs Torrence Crempton

Winner: Pliev- his opponent tapped to choke -R1

It was not the first time Pliev entered the octagon in Absolute Fighting Championships. In our point of view he havent had much progress since his debut few years ago.  To make it more simple his style of fighting remains pretty boring.

American fighter started maybe too vigorously and ran out of gas pretty fast. Pliev got his opponent in a choke near the fence, Crempton tapped.


1/2 final (up to 84 kg.)


Valentin Siulgin vs ndrei Rudakov

Winner: Rudakov- (bout was stopped due to knee injury) -R2

Siulgin came to this fight limping with his right knee banded. He controlled the first round, but it obvious that he fought overcoming the pain. By the end of round one Valentin couldnt even step on his right foot, and he tried to take the fight to the ground. After the bell he could hardly get to his corner, but still he came to fight in the second round! He took Rudakov down right away, but when Andrei tried to grab his injured leg Siulgin told referee that he could not continue.


Vitelmo Bondera vs nsar Chalangov

Winner: Chalangov- his opponent tapped to submission -R1

In the beginning of the fight Chalangov almost made the same mistake Darichev did. Brazilian fighters punch knocked him down, but he managed to take the fight to the ground and ended it with a classical submission (arm lock).


1/2 finals (over 93 kg.)


John Dixon vs ario da Silva

Winner: da Silva- Dixon tapped to choke -R1

Mario took Big John down, mounted him, and Dixon tapped without any apparent reason.


Valery Pliev vs Gary Maers

Winner: Pliev- Maers tapped to choke -R1

This fight was similar to ¼ finals fight of Pliev. Maers tapped, cursed, and fighters left the octagon embracing one another.


Final (up to 84 kg.)


Andrei Rudakov vs nsar Chalangov

Winner: Chalangov - -R2

It was even fight, each fighter had advantage moments. At first Chalangov mounted Rudakov, punished him with strikes, than tried arm submission. But Andrei somehow managed to get out of submission, mounted Ansar and started reining punches of his own.

In the second round referee stopped the fight and declared Chalangovs win in the way of TKO. Rudakov was very upset and set in the corner of octagon gloomily while the Cup was presented to Ansar.


Final (over 93 kg.)


Mario da Silva vs Valery Pliev

Winner: da Silva- anonymous decision after 5 rounds.

It was very long and monotonous fight. If you watched the first round you can get the idea of the fight in general. Mario took Valery down many times, Pliev was very passive standing and on the ground. When referee stood fighters up due to inactivity on the ground, it went all over again. Both did nothing standing, Brazilian took Valery down, nothing happens there also. The rest 4 round were a copy of the first round.  There was a small detail that revived a fight a little bit. Silva came to a fight smeared by Thai aromatic oils, which started exuding as a Mario began to sweat, and started corroding Valerys eyes. Fight had to be stopped many times in order to rub Mario off with a towel. Pliev appealed to referee many times saying that he cant see anything, but kept fighting. After the decision Meyrowitz presented Silva the Cup of HW category. 




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Since 12/28/02




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